Authorizing the striking from City Plan No. 187 of a certain right-of-way reserved for water main purposes and gas main purposes in the area lying southwest of Butler Street and northwest of Aramingo Avenue and the plotting upon the said City Plan of a new right-of-way for water main purposes and gas main purposes in an alternate location within the same area and authorizing acceptance of the grant to the City of the said right-of-way being plotted, under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 11-405 of The Philadelphia Code, the Board of Surveyors of the Department of Streets is hereby authorized to make certain changes affecting the lines of City utility rights-of-way on a portion of City Plan No. 187, in the area lying southwest of Butler Street and northwest of Aramingo Avenue, by:
a) Striking from the City Plan and abandoning a portion of a certain fifty feet wide right-of-way reserved for water main purposes and gas main purposes which extends within the lines of former Tulip Street from a point on the southwesterly side of Butler Street, approximately four-hundred seventeen feet northwest of Aramingo Avenue, southwestwardly to the present northeasterly terminus of said Tulip Street, the said portion to be stricken extending from said Butler Street to a point approximately two-hundred forty-five feet southwestwardly therefrom.
b) Plotting on the City Plan a thirty feet wide relocated right-of-way for water main purposes and gas main purposes extending from a point on the said southwesterly side of Butler Street, approximately one-hundred ninety-five feet northwest of Aramingo Avenue, southwestwardly and northwestwardly to the said northeasterly terminus of Tulip Street.
SECTION 2. This authorization is conditional upon compliance with the following requirements within two (2) years from the date this Ordinance becomes law:
a) The filing of an agreement,...
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