Authorizing the Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City, to acquire fee simple title, or a lesser interest in real estate, in parcels of land along the Delaware River and the Kensington & Tacony Trail, under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. The Commissioner of Public Property, on behalf of the City, is authorized to acquire by purchase, condemnation, deed in lieu of condemnation, donation, dedication, or otherwise, title or other interests in some or all of the parcels of land identified in Section 2 of this Ordinance along the Delaware River and the Kensington & Tacony Trail for the purpose of incorporating the acquired land into the Kensington & Tacony Trail for public recreation use.
SECTION 2. The lands subject to this Ordinance are the following:
A. Land within the former right-of-way or easement of the Kensington and Tacony Railroad, and bounded as follows:
|99| on the SOUTH by the south end of the Old Frankford Creek railroad bridge;
2. on the NORTH by the northeast side of former Disston Street; and
3. including the spur that starts west of former Disston Street and curves northwardly across former Disston Street and terminates at Milnor Street.
B. Land along the Delaware River bounded as follows:
1. on the SOUTH by the south side of Magee Avenue;
2. on the NORTH by the south boundary of the City of Philadelphia property that lies immediately south of Princeton Avenue;
3. on the EAST, following the course of the Delaware River, by the Bulkhead Line of the north or northwest side of the Delaware River as amended by the Secretary of War September 10, 1940; and
4. on the WEST, following the course of the Delaware River,
(A) from the south side of Magee Avenue to the north side of former Disston Street, the western or northwestern most line of the former Kensington and Tacony Railroad right-of...
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