To adopt a Fiscal 2017 Capital Budget.
SECTION 1. A Capital Budget for the Fiscal Year 2017, totaling two billion five hundred forty-two million eight hundred six thousand and two hundred forty-two dollars
($ 2,542,806,242), is hereby adopted as set forth in the attached Exhibit A.
SECTION 2. General Provisions.
(1) The amounts shown in this Ordinance under the column entitled "2017" are hereby appropriated for the purposes shown and shall be available for encumbrance and expenditure upon the effective date of this Ordinance for the Capital Fiscal Year defined as July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.
(2) Administrative preparation for projects supported by funds appropriated in this budget may begin prior to July 1, 2016, provided that all contracts executed hereunder prior to July 1, 2016 shall contain the provision that no work shall commence under such contract prior to July 1, 2016 or become an obligation of the City unless the Director of Finance certifies that there is an approved Fiscal Year appropriation with an available funding source allocated.
(3) The Director of Finance and the City Controller are authorized to approve encumbrances and expenditures for the appropriated purposes to the limit of the amounts shown but only to the extent that loans have been authorized and to the extent other funds have been certified to be available.
(4) To the extent that a project includes "GO PRIOR" (Formerly known as "CT") or "WB-PRIOR" (Formerly known as "XT") funds which were encumbered or expended in the prior fiscal year, the Director of Finance may decrease the appropriation for such project by such amounts. The Director of Finance shall place such amounts, for bookkeeping purposes, in a reserve account under the Office of the Director of Finance and such amounts may not be used for any project. Within one week of taking any action authorized by this subsection (4), the D...
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