Amending Title 17 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Contracts and Procurement,” by revising and improving the City’s contracting and procurement process, including by providing for certain notices to be posted by the City relating to contracting decisions, all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Section 17-1402 of The Philadelphia Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
§ 17-1402. Open and Public Process Required For Non-Competitively Bid Contracts.
(1) A Non-Competitively Bid Contract shall be awarded in compliance with the following:
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(c) After the City Agency has selected the Applicant with which it intends to contract, the City Agency shall publish a notice on the City's official website setting forth the names of all Applicants, the Applicant to which the contract will be awarded, and the basis for the award, including a statement as to whether the Applicant to be awarded the contract was the lowest bidder and if not, why the applications of all lower bidders were rejected. Such notice shall also contain a copy of the notice of the availability of such contracting opportunity (including any Request For Proposals or other related documents) previously published pursuant to subsection (a). All information published to comply with this subsection (c) shall appear on the City's website for at least one week before the contract is executed, and shall remain on the website for at least five years. No later than the date the notice first appears on the City's website, the City Agency shall file a copy of the notice with the President and Chief Clerk of Council, and the Mayor, Finance Director, Procurement Department, and Department of Records.
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Italics indicate new matter added.