Recognizing and Honoring the Korean-American Veterans of the Vietnam War for their Service to the United States.
WHEREAS, The United States holds as its highest ideals freedom, democracy, and self-determination; during the Vietnam War, more than 3,000,000 members of the United States Armed Forces fought bravely to preserve and defend these ideals, with some members still missing in action; and
WHEREAS, 58,193 members of the United States Armed Forces were killed, more than 300,000 were wounded, and 2,000 are missing in action; and
WHEREAS, Soldiers from the Republic of Korea were sent to the Vietnam War to support the United States Armed Forces and the cause of freedom at the request of the United States; and
WHEREAS, 325,517 Korean soldiers served in Vietnam from 1964 until the last soldier left Saigon on March 23, 1973, making Korean soldiers the second-largest contingent of troops sent by allies of the United States; and
WHEREAS, Korean troops fought bravely throughout the theatre and were known for their dedication, tenacity, and effectiveness on the battlefield; and
WHEREAS, 5,099 Korean soldiers were killed and 10,962 Korean soldiers were injured, many in defense of United States friends and allies; and
WHEREAS, Korean veterans of the Vietnam War served honorably throughout the conflict to support the forces of the Republic of South Vietnam and the cause of freedom from communist forces, fighting courageously alongside the United States Armed Forces. Many later became United States citizens, and today approximately 95 percent Korean Vietnam veterans in the United States are American citizens; and
WHEREAS, It is estimated that 20 percent of Korean veterans of the Vietnam War suffer from significant injuries including post-traumatic stress disorder, total disability, and the effects of the toxic defoliant Agent Orange; and
WHEREAS, Korean-American veterans of the Vietnam War honorably upheld the highest ideals of the United States through their dedicated service and considerable sacrifices. They continue to be especially dedicated to the ideals of freedom and democracy; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby recognizes and honors the Korean-American Veterans of the Vietnam War for their service to the United States.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to The Association of Korean Vietnam War Veterans of the U.S.A. Philadelphia Chapter, further evidencing the sincere admiration and respect of this legislative body.