Proclaiming and designating the day of October 5, 2016 as "MEN CAN Prevent Domestic Violence Day," to encourage residents of all genders to speak out against domestic violence and to increase community awareness and support for the organizations that help survivors of domestic violence rebuild their lives.
WHEREAS, Domestic Violence Awareness Month was established in October of 1981 by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, to promote awareness throughout the United States about the seriousness of domestic violence and the intergenerational effects it has on families; and
WHEREAS, Domestic violence has reached epidemic proportions in the City of Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Police Department receives over 100,000 domestic violence related emergency calls annually, and 12,000 Philadelphians petition for Protection from Abuse Orders every year; and
WHEREAS, Certain communities within Philadelphia feel that they cannot seek help and support for abusive relationships, because of the lack of awareness and supportive services available for these communities. Therefore, many survivors who are men, older adults, LGBTQ, and immigrants under-report their experience of domestic violence and suffer alone; and
WHEREAS, Domestic violence is not just an interpersonal or family issue, but also a community issue. Over 250 Philadelphians are homeless every night due to domestic violence. Over 2,000 individuals seek medical care in Philadelphia emergency departments every year due to domestic violence. Domestic violence touches every community institution, from schools and hospitals, to homeless shelters and the judicial system. Therefore, only a cross-sector response can help respond to the prevalence of domestic violence in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, In order for communities to address domestic violence, men must be included in the conversation. Men can play a powerful role in stopping domestic violence by talking to their children abo...
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