Adopting the report issued by Council’s Public Health and Human Services Committee with Findings and Recommendations to Address Philadelphia’s Heroin Epidemic.
WHEREAS, Resolution 160052 (adopted January 21, 2016) authorized Council’s Public Health and Human Services Committee to hold hearings pursuant to City Council’s declaration of 2016 as “The Year to Combat The Heroin Abuse Epidemic in Philadelphia” to explore the serious effects that heroin abuse is having on our communities and to develop a strategy with the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services to effectively address the heroin Epidemic as an urgent local health priority; and
WHEREAS, On May 20, 2016, Council’s Public Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing authorized by Resolution 160052; and
WHEREAS, On November 16, 2016, the Public Health and Human Services Committee met, adopted a final report, and issued the report to the full Council; and
WHEREAS, The Council as a whole now wishes to adopt the report issued by the Public Health and Humans Services Committee; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, that the report issued by Council’s Public Health and Human Services Committee on November 17, 2016 (Attached as Exhibit “A”) is hereby adopted.