Amending Section 20-606 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Board of Ethics," by adding a requirement that the Board of Ethics conduct mandatory ethics training for Council members during each Council term.
Philadelphia's elected officials owe a duty to the City's citizens to uphold the highest standards of ethical integrity. This requires avoidance not only of misconduct and conflicts of interest, but also the appearance of any such impropriety. Council will demonstrate leadership in this area by ensuring its members' knowledge and understanding of current ethical standards for their conduct as city officials.
SECTION 1. Section 20-606 of The Philadelphia Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
§ 20-606. Board of Ethics.
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(b) Mandatory Training and Education.
(i) The Board shall have the responsibility of training and educating all City officers and employees regarding the standards of conduct and ethics. In fulfilling this responsibility, the Board shall prepare and disseminate educational materials regarding the provisions contained within this Chapter and related interpretive regulations, including a Code of Ethics Manual, and shall develop and conduct routine and mandatory educational and training programs for all City officers and employees. The Board shall consult with City departments and agencies in developing and conducting routine and mandatory educational and training programs for all City employees. The Board shall conduct mandatory ethics training for all members of Council during each Council term. Failure to attend a mandatory ethics program shall be deemed a violation of this Chapter.
(ii) Within sixty (60) days of the effective date of the Ordinance adding this provision to The Philadelphia Code, each head of a City department shall provide a copy of this Chapter to all emp...
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