Approving the 2017 Strategic Plan, Performance Report, Acquisition Policies and Disposition Policies of the Philadelphia Land Bank.
WHEREAS, Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Philadelphia Land Bank" (the "Land Bank Ordinance"), requires the Philadelphia Land Bank ("Land Bank") to develop annually a strategic plan in coordination with the Philadelphia City Planning Commission to guide its acquisition, maintenance and disposition of property; and
WHEREAS, The Land Bank has consulted with the Office of the Mayor; members and staff of City Council; and constituent, neighborhood and advisory groups; in an effort to develop a strategic plan that contains the necessary components identified in the Land Bank Ordinance and addresses the concerns of public and private interests; and
WHEREAS, In accordance with the Land Bank Ordinance, the Land Bank published its Strategic Plan, including its Performance Report and proposed Acquisition and Disposition Policies, and subsequently conducted a public hearing to consider public comments on the Plan and Policies; and
WHEREAS, On January 19, 2017, the Land Bank Board of Directors adopted Resolution 2017-1 which approved the 2017 Strategic Plan, Performance Report, Acquisition Policies and Disposition Policies of the Philadelphia Land Bank; and
WHEREAS, The Land Bank Ordinance requires Council's approval by resolution of the Land Bank's Strategic Plan and Policies; now, therefore, be it
SECTION 1. The 2017 Strategic Plan, Performance Report, Acquisition Policies and Disposition Policies of the Philadelphia Land Bank, attached as Exhibit "A" to this Resolution, is approved.
SECTION 2. Exhibit "A" referenced in this Resolution shall be kept on file by the Chief Clerk of City Council and shall be made available to the public for inspection, reading or copying at reasonable times.
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