Authorizing the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development to conduct hearings concerning the Board of Health's regulations relating to the Tobacco Retailing License and the impact these regulations could have on local businesses.
WHEREAS, On December 16, 2016 The City of Philadelphia's Board of Health officially voted to adopt changes to the existing tobacco retailing regulations taking effect January 1, 2017; and
WHEREAS, Many of these new regulations effect the value of local and small business owners in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, These new Board of Health regulations stop any new granting of permits within 500 feet of Schools and create new density requirements as well as density planning districts that will prevent businesses from reselling their locations with the ability to renew tobacco permits; and
WHEREAS, These Density requirements allow only for one Tobacco retailer per 1,000 residents by planning district; and
WHEREAS, Under the new density requirements all existing business with a permit is "grandfathered" in but if an owner decided to sell or transfer the business to another person and if it is in a "high density" district, then the permit would not be granted nor would any new business wishing to apply be granted a permit; and
WHEREAS, Under these "density districts", Philadelphia City Council Districts could see a decline in businesses as well as business owners see a decrease in the total value of their businesses; and
WHEREAS, The new regulations provide for a 180 day window starting on January 1, 2017 to apply for a permit to resell your tobacco license one time if 75% of your sales are related to tobacco; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia City Council should make local businesses aware of the time frame and opportunity to apply and try to protect small business owners by spreading the information regarding the new regulations impacting their private investment; and would like the opportunity to discuss th...
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