Authorizing Council's Committee on Public Health and Human Services to hold hearings on the impact of the repeal of the Affordable Care Act on the residents of the City of Philadelphia, and particularly on low-income and elderly populations, and further investigating the City of Philadelphia's preparedness to address the increase of those who would be without adequate healthcare insurance.
WHEREAS, The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a federal law that provides health insurance for 20 million Americans and protects millions more from discrimination for pre-existing medical conditions, ends lifetime caps on insurance coverage and allows children to remain on their parents' insurance policies until age 26. More than 11.5 million people nationwide had signed up for health insurance or been automatically re-enrolled under the ACA as of December 24, 2016, an increase of 286,000 from the same time last year; and
WHEREAS, According to the Philadelphia Department of Public Health the ACA has provided health insurance coverage to over 220,000 people in Philadelphia through a combination of Medicaid expansion and the availability of insurance through the Federal Insurance Marketplace; and
WHEREAS, As one of their first official acts, the United States Senate on January 12, 2017 adopted a budget reconciliation resolution that clears a path for eliminating the tax-and-spending provisions of the ACA by simple majority vote; and
WHEREAS, On January 20, 2017 President Donald J. Trump issued an Executive Order directing members of his administration to take steps that will facilitate the repeal and replacement of the ACA; and
WHEREAS, While there are some components of the Affordable Care Act that are very popular, in particular the removal of denying claims for pre-existing conditions and allowing children and young adults up to aged 26 to remain on their parents' insurance policies, keeping those provisions while repealing most of the other aspects ...
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