Condemning President Trump's Executive Order banning people from Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States as unconstitutional, unlawful, and un-American.
WHEREAS, On December 7, 2015, Donald J. Trump, as a candidate for the Republican nomination of President of the United States, called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States"; and
WHEREAS, On January 27, 2017, President Donald J. Trump signed an Executive Order entitled "Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States" which bars all people, including Legal Permanent Residents and authorized visa holders from the countries of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen; and
WHEREAS, The Executive Order ban took effect immediately, causing havoc, fear, and confusion for families who had already been subject to, in many cases, years long and rigorous vetting processes; and
WHEREAS, The targeting of nations that are overwhelmingly Muslim recalls dark moments in American history when individuals or groups were singled out for special scrutiny, including the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II and the witch hunts by Senator Joseph McCarthy against alleged communists in the 1950s; and
WHEREAS, This Executive Order contravenes the principles of religious liberty, equality, and compassion that our nation was founded upon in its discriminatory impact on Muslims by giving government officials the discretion to admit people of other faiths into the United States; and
WHEREAS, Attorneys General from 16 states signed a joint statement condemning the ban and vowing to fight it in court, stating: "religious liberty has been a bedrock principle of the country and no president can change that truth"; and
WHEREAS, The Order's indefinite ban on Syrian refugee entries also means the United States is in effect turning its back on the victims of the world's worst current humanitarian crisis. The United...
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