Recognizing the Month of May as National Foster Care Month in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, May is National Foster Care Month, a month set aside to acknowledge foster parents, family members, volunteers, mentors, policymakers, child welfare professionals, and other members of the community who help children and youth in foster care find permanent homes and connections; and
WHEREAS, National Foster Care Month is an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges of children in the foster-care system, and encourage the implementation of policies to improve the lives of children in the foster-care system; and
WHEREAS, Every child deserves a safe, loving, and permanent home; and
WHEREAS, In 1972, the National Adoption Center was established to create families for children living in foster care. The National Adoption Center works with public and private adoption agencies to expand adoption opportunities and foster an atmosphere of care and security amongst children in foster care; and
WHEREAS, In 1988, President Ronald Reagan issued the first Presidential proclamation that established May as National Foster Care Month to bring foster-care issues to the forefront of society; highlight the importance of permanency for every child; and recognize the essential role that foster parents, social workers, and advocates have in the lives of children in foster care throughout the United States; and
WHEREAS, The Children's Bureau of the United States' Department of Health and Human Services reports that in FY15 approximately 428,000 children living in foster care and there were approximately 269,509 youth that entered the foster-care system, while over 62,000 youths were eligible and awaiting adoption at the end of FY15; and
WHEREAS, Children of color are more likely to stay in the foster-care system for longer periods of time; and
WHEREAS, As of December 2015, 5,948 children in Philadelphia were living in foster care, group ...
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