Approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Greenwich Redevelopment Area, identified by house number and street address as 522 Mercy street; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Neighborhood Gardens Trust and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract.
WHEREAS, In accordance with the provisions of the Urban Redevelopment Law, being the Act of May 24, 1945, P.L. 991, as amended and supplemented, the City Planning Commission of the City of Philadelphia has on February 3, 1970, certified the Greenwich Redevelopment Area as a redevelopment area and has completed a detailed redevelopment area plan for the Greenwich Redevelopment Area dated February 1970 (hereinafter "Greenwich"); and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (hereinafter "Redevelopment Authority") has prepared a redevelopment contract for a portion of Greenwich, identified by house number and street address as 522 Mercy street (the "Property"). The area of the Property is bounded as follows:
522 Mercy street.
ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the building and appurtenances thereto, if any, being bounded and described as follows: situate on the south side of Mercy street at the distance of one hundred eighty-four feet westward from the east side of Sixth street in the Thirty-ninth Ward of the City of Philadelphia; Containing in front or breadth on the said Mercy street, fourteen feet and extending southward of that width in the length or depth between parallel lines with the said Sixth street, forty-five feet, to a four feet wide alley which runs eastward and westward and communicates with two other alleys which extend from said Mercy street to Snyder avenue.
The said redevelopment contract is in substantial conformity with the redevelopment area plan approved by Council;...
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