Approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Model Cities Urban Renewal Area, identified by house numbers and street addresses as 1029-1031 Mount Vernon street and 1028 Lemon street; and authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Yung King Lau and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract.
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (hereinafter "Redevelopment Authority") has prepared and submitted an urban renewal plan and a redevelopment proposal for the redevelopment of the Model Cities Urban Renewal Area (hereinafter "Model Cities"), which said plan and proposal were approved by Ordinance of the Council on December 15, 1969, as amended; and
WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Authority has prepared a redevelopment contract for a portion of Model Cities, identified by house numbers and street addresses as 1029-1031 Mount Vernon street and 1028 Lemon street (collectively, the "Properties"). The area of the Properties is bounded as follows:
1029-1031 Mount Vernon street.
Beginning at the intersection of the northerly side of Mount Vernon street and the centerline of a two foot six inch wide alley; being eighty-four feet zero inches, more or less, east of the easterly side of Eleventh street (fifty feet wide); Thence extending in a northerly direction along the centerline of said two foot six inch wide alley, fifty-two feet seven inches, more or less, to a point; Thence extending in an easterly direction along a line of property now or late of the City of Philadelphia, sixteen feet zero inches, more or less, to a point; Thence extending in a northerly direction along a line of property now or late of Leon Kafin, nine feet five and one-eighth inches, more or less, to a point; Thence extending in an easterly direction along another line of said Kafin property, e...
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