Honoring and Recognizing Angelo Cataldi on the Anniversary of his 30th year on the air with SportsRadio 94WIP, and his over 35 years of covering Philadelphia Sports.
WHEREAS, Although a native of Rhode Island, Angelo Cataldi is and will always be a Philadelphian at heart, due to his total immersion into Philadelphia Sports and his coverage for the past 35 years, starting with writing for the Philadelphia Inquirer in the early 1980s, and then moving on to become the host of WIP's Morning Show in 1990; and
WHEREAS, During Mr. Cataldi's time writing for the Philadelphia Inquirer, he was a nominated finalist for a Pulitzer Prize, due to his coverage of the 1986 Philadelphia Eagles season under their new head coach, the controversial Buddy Ryan; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Cataldi first appeared on the radio in 1988 with co-hosts Al Morganti and Eagles legend Tom Brookshier, Angelo combined his entertainment skills along with his robust support and analysis of our Philadelphia Sports teams, which helped build the passions of Philadelphia sports fans; and
WHEREAS, Upon his hosting of the 94WIP Sports Page in 1988 and WIP Morning Show in 1990, his work has contributed to the rich history of vocal praise and criticism of our Philadelphia sports teams, coaches, players, fans and even some of the sports reporters; and
WHEREAS, This robust coverage has helped lead Philadelphians to be one of the most informed, vocal and supportive fanbase in the United States and the world; and
WHEREAS, His 94 WIP show "Angelo Cataldi and the Morning Team" has dominated the Philadelphia sports radio airwaves for the majority of his 30-year career in radio broadcasting; and
WHEREAS, Over the past 30 years of his radio coverage of Philadelphia sports, Mr. Cataldi has provided insightful, meaningful, entertaining and brash commentary, leading to impassioned discussions on various Philadelphia sports topics; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Cataldi's passion to get Philadelphia fan...
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