Also naming North 34th Street between Mantua and Fairmount Avenues "Tim Spencer Blvd" in recognition of his role in creating the Murals Arts Program in Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Tim Spencer, a community organizer, founded the Anti-Graffitti Network which was the precursor to the Mural Arts Program; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Anti-Graffitti Network was created in January 1984, by former Mayor Wilson-Goode, and led by Tim Spencer in order to combat the spread of graffiti in Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, Spencer envisioned a program that would take kids caught up in graffiti scene and channel their talents into other arts and crafts; and
WHEREAS, In 1986, Spencer hired Jane Golden, and thus began the Mural Arts Program; and
WHEREAS, By 1991, both the Philadelphia Anti-Graffitti Network and Mural Arts Program had managed to make a significant impact in many communities in Philadelphia and were awarded the Innovations in American Government Award; and
WHEREAS, In 1994, Lucien E. Blackwell gave a tribute to the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network for "10 years of changing attitudes and neighborhoods"; and
WHEREAS, Since the beginning of the program, over 2,500 murals have been created and over 40,000 walls have been cleaned of graffiti all over Philadelphia; and
WHEREAS, The Mural Arts Program works with those prosecuted with graffiti vandalism and mentors them in arts and in the creation of murals throughout the City; and
WHEREAS, Both the Philadelphia Anti-Graffiti Network and The Mural Arts Program have transformed the City of Philadelphia and become a source of public art, a youth mentorship resource and a shining beacon for Philadelphia that other municipalities seek to replicate; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE PHILADELPHIA CITY COUNCIL, Hereby also names North 34th Street between Mantua and Fairmount Avenues "Tim Spencer Blvd" in recognition of his role in creating the Murals Arts Program in Philadelphia.
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