Also naming the 6000 block of Springfield Ave. "Marcus J. Yates Way", in honor of the legacy of Marcus Yates, whose tragic death has helped bring awareness to gun violence all over Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Marcus J. Yates was born on June 13, 1983, son to the late Anthony G. Yates Sr., and Rochelle Yates-Whittington; and
WHEREAS, Marcus J. Yates was a fun-loving, vibrant child whose mega-personality was infectious and heart-warming. Marcus was very intelligent with the wit and candor of a person well beyond his years; and
WHEREAS, Marcus J. Yates was loved by many in and outside of his family. Surviving him are his brothers: Anthony Jr., Toney, and Malcolm; his sisters: Antoinette, Tanisha, Myleka, and Shanice; his Uncle Jimmie Talton, his Aunt Belinda Talton and a host of other relatives and friends; and
WHEREAS, On, July 18, 1988, Marcus J. Yates was caught in the crossfire between two drug dealers. His death united many anti drug marches/groups throughout the city of Philadelphia. These organizations supported the Yates family plight to make a difference in the lives of children across the city and country; and
WHEREAS, In 1990, the Marcus J. Yates Home for Children was opened by the Yates family. This home housed over 30 foster children who were raised in a loving and nurturing environment; and
WHEREAS, The Cassidy Elementary School dedicated a tree in Marcus's honor in front of the school for all to see. Volunteers worked effortlessly to make The Marcus J. Yates Community Garden a beautiful memorial; and
WHEREAS, Marcus J. Yates' death was not in vain. The Yates Family has taken many trips to Washington and Harrisburg to shed light on the victims and families who were affected by gun violence. His life will be remembered by this memorial of renaming the intersection of 60th Street of Springfield Avenue in his honor; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, THAT THE PHILADELPHIA CITY COUNCIL, Hereby also names the 6000 bloc...
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