Approving the redevelopment contract of the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority for the redevelopment and urban renewal of a portion of the Logan Redevelopment Area, identified by house numbers and street addresses as 4715-4755 North Marshall street, 701-741 Roosevelt boulevard (including 700-716 Wyoming avenue), 901-939 Roosevelt boulevard (including 922-940 Courtland street and 4523-4545 North Tenth street), 4710-4750 North Marshall street (including 4723-4767 North Seventh street), 4714-4766 North Seventh street (including 4715-4769 North Franklin street and 701-715 Wyoming avenue), 4715-4765 North Eighth street (including 4714-4768 North Franklin street and 717-731 West Wyoming avenue), 4700-4762 North Eighth street (including 4701-4763 North Ninth street), 4712-4764 North Ninth street (including 901-919 West Wyoming avenue and 4715-4769 North Hutchinson street), 4715-4765 North Tenth street (including 921-939 West Wyoming avenue and 4714-4760 North Hutchinson street), 4608-4626 North Eighth street (including 800-824 West Wyoming avenue and 4621-4647 North Ninth street), 4600-4650 North Ninth street (including 900-918 West Wyoming avenue and 4601-4655 North Hutchinson street), 4601-4655 North Tenth street (including 920-938 West Wyoming avenue and 4600-4650 North Hutchinson street), 4511-4549 North Eleventh street, 4508-4546 North Tenth street, 4601-4655 North Eleventh street, 4600-4654 North Tenth street, 4711-4761 North Eleventh street and 4712-4764 North Tenth street; authorizing the Redevelopment Authority to execute the redevelopment contract with Logan West Associates, L.P. and to take such action as may be necessary to effectuate the redevelopment contract.
WHEREAS, In accordance with the provisions of the Urban Redevelopment Law, being the Act of May 24, 1945, P.L. 991, as amended and supplemented, the City Planning Commission of the City of Philadelphia (hereinafter "Commission") has on May 22, 2002, certified the Logan Redevelopme...
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