Amending Section 9-610 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Massage Businesses," Section 9-611 entitled "Masseurs and Masseuses," Section 10-1103 entitled "Prohibited Conduct," and Section 14-601 entitled "Use Categories," by deleting some sections and adding new provisions regarding licensing and registration of massage therapists and massage therapy businesses including changes to prohibited conduct, fees, penalties, purpose, definitions, zoning use categories, and other related items; all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Section 9-610 of The Philadelphia Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
[§ 9-610. Massage Businesses.
(1) Licenses. No person shall engage in the business of, or be employed as, a masseur or masseuse unless he has obtained an operator's license from the Department of Licenses and Inspections.
(2) Information. Each applicant for an operator's license shall set forth on forms provided by the Department:
(a) the name and address of the applicant and former addresses for a period of three years;
(b) a statement of past employers for three years if the applicant desires an operator's license;
(c) such other information that the Department may require.
(3) Fee. The applicant for an operator's license shall pay an annual license fee of $40.00.
(4) Exemptions. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to massage treatments given
(a) in the office of a licensed physician, osteopath, chiropractor, or a physical therapist;
(b) in a regularly established medical center, hospital, or sanitarium;
(c) in a residence of a person under doctor's care by the direction of the doctor;
(d) upon the order of a licensed physician, osteopath, chiropractor, or physical therapist.]
§ 9-610. Massage Therapy Business.
(1) Purpose. Legitimate massage professionals and businesses promote public health and w...
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