Authorizing the Committee on Law and Government to hold hearings on succession planning for appointed officers in the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, Article III, Chapter 1 states that the executive and administrative work of the City of Philadelphia is performed by 12 elected or appointed officers, 17 City Departments, and the Mayor's Cabinet, among others. Together, the individuals holding the above-identified positions administer a City government comprised of thousands of workers managing billions of dollars to serve the City's 1.6 million residents; and
WHEREAS, Effective succession planning for each of the City's appointed officers is critical to ensure that key offices and departments in the City are positioned to make progress despite the inevitable transition of leadership that occurs within all organizations; and
WHEREAS, Actions taken by City Treasurer Rasheia Johnson and her team demonstrate the need for the City of Philadelphia to prioritize effective succession planning. In 2016, Treasurer Johnson identified several years of unreconciled City accounts during the first year of her tenure in that office. After review of her findings, the Administration developed an action plan to reconcile several City bank accounts, many of which had been unreconciled since 2010. Valuable time and resources could have been saved through a process and culture that facilitated clear communication of unresolved matters during the transition of senior level political and administration leadership; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney announced the formation of a Reconciliation Task Force to oversee long term processes for the reconciliation of City cash accounts on June 19, 2018. The Task Force, co-chaired by Treasurer Johnson and former City Controller Jonathan Saidel, will work with stakeholders on a biweekly basis to ensure that reconciliations proceed on a timely basis in the future regardless of l...
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