Recognizing the week of September 9-15, 2018, as Arts in Education Week in Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, Arts education, comprising of a rich array of disciplines including dance, music, theatre, media arts, literature, design, and visual arts, is a core academic subject and an essential element of a complete and balanced education for all students; and
WHEREAS, Arts education enables students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, imagination and creativity, discipline and collaboration, alternative ways to communicate and express feelings and ideas, and cross-cultural understanding, which supports academic success across the curriculum; and
WHEREAS, Arts education contributes to increased attendance and graduation rates, and elevates academic achievement; and
WHEREAS, Arts education encourages personal growth outside of the classroom, including increasing a student's likelihood to participate in civic life, volunteerism, altruism, and community engagement; and
WHEREAS, Today's economy requires students to masterfully develop creative traits that business leaders demand in a 21st century workforce such as communicating through words, images, sounds, and movement; and
WHEREAS, The arts are an integral part of life in the United States, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, and are an integral part of a complete education which contributes to the vibrancy and vitality of communities and the Nation; and
WHEREAS, The City of Philadelphia Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy observes National Arts in Education Week with the annual A+ Art student artist exhibition, featuring work from more than 200 students from public schools across the City; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the City Council does, hereby recognize the week of September 11-17, 2016, as Arts in Education Week in the Philadelphia.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution will be presented to the Office of Arts Culture and t...
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