Establishing parking regulations in the vicinity of: Fitzwater street and S. 23rd street; Fitzwater street and S. 12th street; Carpenter street and S. 18th street; Christian street and Grays Ferry avenue; Christian street and S. 20th street; Christian street and Grays Ferry avenue; Christian street and S. 20th street; Christian street and S. 21st street.
SECTION 1. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two_Hour Parking
8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Monday - Saturday
Except RPP #1
Fitzwater street, both sides, S. 23rd street to Grays Ferry avenue
SECTION 2. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two_Hour Parking
8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #22
Fitzwater street, both sides, S. 12th street to S. 13th street.
SECTION 3. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two_Hour Parking
8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Monday - Sunday
Except RPP #1
Carpenter street, both sides, S. 18th street to S. 19th street.
SECTION 4. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two_Hour Parking
7:00 A.M. to Midnight
Monday - Friday
Except RPP #1
Christian street, both sides, Grays Ferry avenue to Taney street.
SECTION 5. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two_Hour Parking
8:00 A.M. to Midnight
Monday - Sunday
Except RPP #1
Christian street, both sides, S. 20th street to S. 21st street.
SECTION 6. The following parking regulation is hereby established:
Two_Hour Parking
8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.
Monday - Sunday
Except RPP #1
Christian street, both sides, S. 21st street to S. 22nd street.