Approving City participation in the Commonwealth's Property Assessed Clean Energy Program, all under certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, The financing of clean energy, alternative energy, energy efficiency, and water conservation projects is beneficial to property owners, the environment, the City of Philadelphia, and the general public;
WHEREAS, Such public benefits include but are not limited to: reduced utility costs, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved building comfort, and increased demand for local labor and contractors required to implement the projects; and
WHEREAS, Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) financing overcomes many of the barriers that prevent commercial property owners from constructing the projects that generate these public benefits; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. A Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy ("C-PACE") program is authorized in the City of Philadelphia pursuant to the terms of Chapter 43 of Title 12 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Property Assessed Clean Energy Program."
SECTION 2. All terms used in this ordinance that are defined in 12 Pa. C.S. ? 4302 shall have the meanings set forth in that Section unless context clearly indicates otherwise.
SECTION 3. Pursuant to the terms of the C-PACE Program, only qualified projects, meaning clean energy projects, water conservation projects, or alternative energy systems (including those alternative energy systems that are affixed to the land or a building) requiring installation or modification of a permanent improvement to agricultural, commercial or industrial real property shall be eligible for the program.
SECTION 4. The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) shall be the Administrator under the program and shall have the authority to designate other Administrators, either in addition to, or in place of, itself. The Administrator ...
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