Authorizing the Committee on Streets and Services to hold a hearing regarding the reconstruction work on Interstate 95, and the entire Revive I-95 plan.
WHEREAS, The continued reconstruction and redesign efforts around I-95 are intended to keep the interstate viable for continuous use in the future; and
WHEREAS, I-95 is the critical roadway the connects many Philadelphians together allowing them to access their jobs, friends, and other modes of transportation. It also links us to the tri-state metropolitan area and the rest of the east coast; and
WHEREAS, Ease of access and timely commutes, or lack there-of, can have domino effect of mobility within our region. This is one of the main reasons we need to have a conversation on the timeliness of the construction on I-95; and
WHEREAS, Numerous constituents and individuals have come forward, venting their frustration on the length of time the construction takes. Often taking the brunt of the delays while on their way to or from work; and
WHEREAS, As well the construction, there are delays and even shut downs on certain forms of public transit, further reducing the mobility of the City; and
WHEREAS, Due to a large percentage of the plan is taking place in Philadelphia, the continued construction begins to weigh on people’s patience; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That the Committee on Streets and Services is authorized to hold hearings regarding the reconstruction work on Interstate 95, and the entire Revive I-95 plan.