Authorizing the Procurement Department, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into one or more agreements with a vendor or vendors for the purchase and servicing of online legal research services, investigative tools, and related goods and services, all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. The Procurement Commissioner, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, is hereby authorized to enter into one or more agreements with a vendor or vendors, to be selected using a "best value" process, for the purchase of online legal research services, investigative tools, and related goods and services pursuant to terms substantially as set forth in the Term Sheet attached hereto as Exhibit "A."
SECTION 2. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to review and to approve the agreement or agreements necessary to effectuate this Ordinance, and to impose such terms and conditions on them as the City Solicitor may deem necessary and proper to protect the interests of the City of Philadelphia and to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance.
Term Sheet
Background. Online legal research services, investigative tools, and related goods and services are used by many of the City's departments and agencies, as well as by related entities. It is the primary resource for much of the legal and investigative work done by various city agencies and by city employees. These services comprise of, among other things, access to federal and state case law, federal and state statutes, practice tools, and secondary sources. Investigative tools include, but are not limited to, public records databases, company financial information, and access to wire services and other media.
1. Term. The City anticipates contracting for these services with one or more providers and, subject to approval of City Council, awarding such contracts for the period, April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2023.
2. Cost. T...
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