Recognizing and Honoring the Rev. Robert H. Paul and the Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 19 for over 15 years of commitment and dedication to the Piney Grove Baptist Church Tutorial Program and their commitment to the surrounding community.
WHEREAS, Rev. Robert H. Paul for the past 32 years has been a Pastor/Teacher at the Piney Grove Baptist Church known as "The Lighthouse of Logan"; and
WHEREAS, Rev Robert H. Paul is a servant indeed by serving on the Logan Improvement Association, Evening Baptist Ministers Conference of Philadelphia and Vicinity, Missionary Baptist Pastor's Conference, The Black Clergy, The Philadelphia Council of Clergy, The Greater Philadelphia Baptist Association and the National Baptist Convention USA; and
WHEREAS, In 1973, Rev. Robert H. Paul was first employed with the Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 19, within four-years Rev. Robert H. Paul received the Apprentice of the year award and was awarded a two year scholarship to sketching school; and
WHEREAS, With the help of former Presidents; Mr. Tom Kelley, Mr. Joe Sellers and current President Mr. Gary Masino, Rev. Robert H. Paul has lead the Piney Grove Tutorial Program; and
WHEREAS, The Piney Grove Tutorial Program is a 12 week training program that prepares it's students to take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Test. After passing this test an interview is granted then an opportunity is extended to that student an apprenticeship into the Union; and
WHEREAS, The Piney Grove Baptist Church Tutorial Program is open to all men and women regardless of ethnic background or education levels or having had past incarcerations; and
WHEREAS, The Piney Grove Baptist Church Tutorial Program success over the years has seen 60% minority and 20% female acceptance into the apprentice program; and
WHEREAS, Because of the Piney Grove Baptist Church Tutorial Program and the Leadership of President Mr. Gary Masino, the Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 19 are ...
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