Recognizing and Honoring Heshimu Jaramogi for a lifetime of service as a print and broadcast journalist, professor, and political consultant.
WHEREAS, Mr. Jaramogi was a reporter and copywriter for four decades; writing for newspapers including The Philadelphia Tribune, The Philadelphia Daily News, and The Philadelphia Inquirer; and
WHEREAS, He has produced and delivered news and public affairs programming for WHYY, WDAS AM and FM, WPEN AM and WCAU AM; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Jaramogi served as a past president of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists and received the organization’s Lifetime Achievement Award; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Jaramogi founded and owned Jaramogi Communications, which produced audio, video, social media and print products including the Neighborhood Leader newspaper; and
WHEREAS, he has served as a mentor to other journalists of color and has inspired them to succeed; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Jaramogi worked as an adjunct professor at Temple University’s Multimedia Urban Reporting Lab, and has lectured at numerous other colleges and universities; and
WHEREAS, He served as a media consultant to AFSCME District Council 47 and worked as a media buyer and advertising producer on political campaigns for U.S. Senators Bob Casey and Arlen Specter, Governor Tom Corbett, Congressman Bob Brady and District Attorney Lynne Abraham; and
WHEREAS, He has served as a mentor to other journalists of color and has inspired them to succeed, now therefore it be
RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That we hereby celebrate the life and honor the memory Therefore, by virtue of this Resolution, the Council of the City of Philadelphia does hereby Celebrate the life and Honor the memory of Heshimu Jaramogi.