Approving the ninth amendment of the redevelopment proposal for the Point Breeze Urban Renewal Area, being the area generally bounded by Washington avenue, S. Twenty-fifth street, Reed street, the rear property lines of the 1400 and 1500 blocks of S. Taylor street, Tasker street, S. 25th street, Moore street and S. Broad street, including the ninth amendment to the urban renewal plan, which provides, inter alia, for changes that would make it consistent with the Point Breeze Redevelopment Area Plan and generally consistent with the most recent Comprehensive Plan approved by the City Planning Commission of the City of Philadelphia.
WHEREAS, The redevelopment proposal, the urban renewal plan, and the relocation plan of the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Philadelphia, now known as the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (hereinafter referred to as the "Redevelopment Authority"), for the redevelopment of the Point Breeze Urban Renewal Area was approved by Ordinance of the Council on June 23, 1998, as last amended by Bill No. 190853 approved December 30, 2019; and
WHEREAS, The Redevelopment Authority has prepared a ninth amendment of the redevelopment proposal, including the detailed redevelopment area plan, the ninth amended urban renewal plan, the maps, disposition supplements, and all other documents and supporting data which form part of the said proposal for the Point Breeze Urban Renewal Area (hereinafter referred to as "Point Breeze") dated December 2019 (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Ninth Amended Redevelopment Proposal"); and
WHEREAS, the Ninth Amended Redevelopment Proposal provides, inter alia, for changes that would make it consistent with the Point Breeze Redevelopment Area Plan and generally consistent with the most recent Comprehensive Plan approved by the City Planning Commission of the City of Philadelphia (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission"); and
WHEREAS, The Ninth Amended Redevel...
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