Calling upon the Congress to allocate fair and direct federal support to all of America's communities, regardless of population size.
WHEREAS, America's cities, towns, and villages face unprecedented threats due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic emergency; and
WHEREAS, Municipalities are essential to America's economic recovery and without funding support for local governments, municipalities may go from being a critical part of the economic solution, to becoming a major obstacle to long-term stabilization and recovery; and
WHEREAS, America's cities, towns and villages will experience budgetary shortfalls of up $134 billion in fiscal year 2020 alone, and the negative effects of the pandemic emergency on local communities will continue long after this year; and
WHEREAS, Three million critical municipal worker jobs are at risk, threatening cuts to basic community services, including 9-1-1 response, sanitation, and maintenance; and
WHEREAS, Communities have taken extraordinary measures to protect health, safety, and the continuation of essential services throughout the emergency; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia has experienced more than 21,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, resulting in no fewer than 1,200 deaths, and is pondering how to enact a balanced budget with several hundred million fewer dollars projected compared to the current fiscal year; and
WHEREAS, America's rural communities and small towns are struggling just as much as big cities and risk being left behind or wiped out entirely; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Calls on Congress to allocate fair and direct federal support to all of America's communities, regardless of population size.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That this funding must be flexible and address not only the additional expenses incurred by communities to respond to the pandemic emergency, but also the dramatic budgetary shortfalls resulting from pauses in commerce, to...
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