Amending Section 9-4116 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Public Health Emergency
Leave," to establish
leave time for public health emergencies, and modify existing provisions concerning the paid sick
leave, and make technical changes, all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Section 9-4116 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Public Health Emergency
Leave" is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
? 9-4116. 2021 Public Health Emergency
(1) Definitions. For the purposes of this Section 9-4116 the following definitions shall apply in place of any definition provided under Section 9-4103:
(a) "Employer" is as defined in the Act of January 17, 1968, P.L. 11, No. 5, ? 3 (43 P.S. ? 333.103(g), excluding employers who employ less than fifty (50) employees.
(b) "Employee" is an individual that has worked for a given employer for ninety (90) or more days and (i) who works within Philadelphia, (ii) who normally works for a given employer within the City of Philadelphia but is currently teleworking from any other location as a result of COVID-19, or (iii) who works for a given employer from multiple locations or from mobile locations, provided that 51% or more of such employee's work time is spent within the City of Philadelphia.
(c) "2021 Public Health Emergency
Leave" means time that is compensated at the regular rate of pay as that term is defined under 34 Pa. Code ? 231.43, and with the same benefits, including health care benefits, as the covered individual normally earns from the hiring entity at the time the covered individual uses the
leave and is provided by a hiring entity to a covered individual for the purposes described in ? 9-4116 provided that in no case shall the hourly rate be less than the full minimum wage provided under 43 P.S. ? 333.104.
(d) "Public health emergency" means a de...
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