Recognizing and congratulating Gail Harrity for her 24 years of dedicated, effective, and transformative leadership as President and Chief Operating Officer of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
WHEREAS, Gail Harrity became the Chief Operating Officer (“COO”) for the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1997; at the time, she had already amassed over a decade of senior leadership experience with the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art and built a reputation as a mission driven, can-do executive with a strong work ethic and an entrepreneurial spirit; and
WHEREAS, As COO since 1997 and President since 2009, Ms. Harrity has had a central role in strategic planning efforts, developing the multi-year comprehensive Facilities Master Plan, and, for the past decade and a half, overseeing virtually every construction and renovation project of note across the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s portfolio; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Harrity also implemented a number of visitor experience, audience building, and digital technology initiatives, including the development of an online database providing global access to the museum’s collection of 240,000 works, all while overseeing a wide range of administrative functions, including legal, finance, membership, development, and external affairs; and
WHEREAS, Of Gail’s many accomplishments during her 24-year tenure, driving the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Facilities Master Plan is her lasting legacy to the Museum and the City, beginning with its approval in 2004 and culminating with the completion of the Core Project, in collaboration with world-renowned architect Frank Gehry; and
WHEREAS, Ms. Harrity has also served on the boards of the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, the Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau, the Arts + Business Council for Greater Philadelphia, the American Alliance of Museums, the International Council of Museums and the Mayor’s Cultural Advisory Council. She is a founder and past chair of the Parkway Council, and in 2016, she was named a Distinguished Daughter of Pennsylvania, one of many well-deserved appreciations for her many achievements; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Philadelphia, Does hereby recognize and congratulate Gail Harrity for her 24 years of dedicated, effective, and transformative leadership as President and Chief Operating Officer of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of this resolution be presented to Gail Harrity as evidence of the sincere sentiments of this legislative body.