Providing for the submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter to revise provisions related to the manner of selection from eligible lists for vacancies and promotions in the civil service system, as approved by Resolution of the City Council; fixing the date of a special election for such purpose; prescribing the form of ballot question to be voted on; and, authorizing the appropriate officers to publish notice and to make arrangements for the special election.
SECTION 1. There shall be submitted for the approval or disapproval of the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia at the election to be held on November 2, 2021, the proposed amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter contained in Resolution No. 210514 approved by City Council on June 17, 2021, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of City Council.
SECTION 2. There shall be placed on the ballot the following question to be answered "Yes" or "No" by the qualified electors participating in the election:
Shall The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to revise provisions related to the civil service system, to allow the Personnel Director to determine the number of people on an eligible list from which a hiring or promotion decision may be made, and to determine the number of times a person may be passed over and remain eligible on such a list, all based on the position and the needs of the civil service program?
SECTION 3. The Clerk of City Council is hereby directed to: (i) certify to the Board of Elections, within five (5) days of this Ordinance becoming law, a copy of this Ordinance and Resolution No. 210514; and (ii) to have printed in pamphlet form, in sufficient number for general distribution, the proposed amendment to The Philadelphia Home Rule Charter as set forth in Resolution No. 210514, together with the ballot question set forth in ...
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