Calling upon the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to enact Senate Bill 598 to allow political subdivisions to restrict the presence and use of firearms at their properties and facilities.
WHEREAS, Public safety is one of the primary responsibilities of local government and one that the municipalities of this Commonwealth take very seriously, which is why their prohibition from regulating the presence of firearms on municipal property is a glaring hole in fulfilling that duty to protect the safety of residents and their local elected officials, municipal employees and tourists, and all users of municipal buildings and facilities; and
WHEREAS, Schools, counties, and court facilities, on the other hand, do not lack this authorization, nor does the state government; and
WHEREAS, Our democracy is built on the exchange of ideas and the ability to voice one's opinions without fear of violence, not to menace, intimidate, or inflict violence. All residents should feel safe entering a government building - be it federal, state, county or municipal. They should also feel safe participating in local municipal meetings; and
WHEREAS, Equally true, our employees and fellow elected officials should be safe carrying out the duties of their respective positions; and
WHEREAS, The need for this local authorization is clear: incidents of gun violence at municipal buildings - Ross Township, Monroe County; Masontown Borough, Fayette County; and Paradise Township, Monroe County - have unnecessarily injured or taken the lives of innocent residents and municipal employees; and
WHEREAS, To address such threats, Senators Maria Collett and Carolyn Comitta have introduced SB 598, legislation that would allow political subdivisions the ability by ordinance to restrict the presence and use of firearms at properties and facilities they own or operate; and
WHEREAS, This legislation would only apply if a political subdivision elects to restrict the presence o...
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