Commemorating June 19, 2021 as Korean American Citizenship Day to Celebrate the First Naturalization of a Korean American in 1890.
WHEREAS, The influence of naturalized or natural born citizens of Korean American heritage may be observed in all facets of American life from politics to industry, entrepreneurship to volunteerism, the arts, and education; and
WHEREAS, On June 19, 1890, Philip Jaisohn became the first Korean immigrant to acquire United States citizenship and established as a pioneer for the Korean American history; and
WHEREAS, 2021 marks the 131st Anniversary of the first US citizenship granted to Korean American and Korean Americans will come together on June 19 to celebrate this date as the Korean American Citizenship Day; and
WHEREAS, Today, Korean American citizens live throughout the United States and are part of a vibrant, growing Korean American community; and
WHEREAS, The Korean American community is making important contributions in distinguished career fields such as law, medicine, business, education, architecture, and the arts; and
WHEREAS, Philip Jaisohn, a Korean political refugee who made his home in Media, PA, made Philadelphia a central overseas base for supporting Korean independence. Inspired by the First and Second Continental Congress of the United States held in Philadelphia, Philip Jaisohn, Syngman Rhee, who is the first President of the Republic of Korea, and Han Kyong Jung organized the First Korean Congress in Philadelphia where they proclaimed Korean Declaration of Independence from April 14 to April 16,1919; and
WHEREAS, Philip Jaisohn was the noted champion of the Korean Independence Movement in America and established the Korean Information Bureau to publish the Korea Review for the cause of political and religious freedom of Korea and Far East; and
WHEREAS, Philip Jaisohn and Rev. Dr. Floyd W. Tomkins founded the League of Friends of Korea that was organized in 21 American cities as well as i...
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