Approving the 2021-2022
Neighborhood Preservation Initiative Program Statement and Budget, which addresses the expenditure of $100 million by various agencies in the first year of the
Neighborhood Preservation Initiative Program, and approving a Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action Plan 2021-2022, the City's consolidated housing and housing-related expenditures plan, to incorporate the Program Statement and Budget into the Action Plan.
WHEREAS, In accordance with the approval of City Council in Bill No. 210475 (approved July 15, 2021), the City has filed applications for various forms of United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") funding, as set forth in the City's Annual Action Plan 2021-2022; and
WHEREAS, The City has prepared a 2021-2022
Neighborhood Preservation Initiative Program Statement and Budget establishing a budget for expenditure of $100 million in funds to be generated by a bond offering in the first year of the program, which funding is to be spent on housing
preservation, the production of affordable housing and other related programs and activities, which is attached as Exhibit "A" hereto; and
WHEREAS, The City seeks to make a Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action Plan 2021-2022 by incorporating the 2021-2022
Neighborhood Preservation Initiative Program Statement and Budget into the City's Annual Action Plan 2021-2022, now, therefore,
SECTION 1. The 2021-2022
Neighborhood Preservation Initiative Program Statement and Budget attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby approved.
SECTION 2. Amendment of the Annual Action Plan 2019-2020 to incorporate the 2021-2022
Neighborhood Preservation Initiative Program Statement and Budget into the Action Plan is hereby approved. The Department of Planning and Development is hereby authorized to incorporate the information contained in the Program Statement and Budget into the Action Plan as deemed ...
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