Authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 230 by striking from the City Plan Cresson Street from Osborn Street to Vassar Street and reserving and placing on the City Plan a right-of-way for sewer and drainage purposes within a portion of Cresson Street being stricken, under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 11-403 of The Philadelphia Code, the Board of Surveyors of the Department of Streets is hereby authorized to revise the lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 230 by:
a) Striking from the City Plan Cresson Street from Osborn Street to Vassar Street.
b) Reserving and placing on the City Plan a right-of-way for sewer and drainage purposes extending from Osborn Street to Vassar Street within a portion of Cresson Street being stricken.
SECTION 2. The reserving and placing on City Plan of a right-of-way for sewer and drainage purposes within a portion of Cresson Street being stricken, as authorized in Section 1(b) herein, shall be conditional upon the execution of an agreement or agreements between the City and the owner(s) of property affected thereby granting to the City the aforesaid right of way. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to review and approve all such agreements, which shall contain such terms and conditions as the City Solicitor shall deem necessary or appropriate to protect the interests of the City.