Authorizing the Procurement Commissioner to enter into agreements to purchase electricity, natural gas and motor fuel for use by the City in City facilities and vehicles, including agreements that obligate payment for delivery of such energy supplies in future fiscal years, all under certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, the passage in 1996 by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of the "Electricity Generation Customer Choice and Competition Act," 66 Pa. C.S. ? 2801 et seq., made it possible for the City and all consumers of electricity to have direct access to the competitive market for the generated supply of electricity;
WHEREAS, by Executive Order No. 6-10, "City Purchase of Electricity Supply" (November 3, 2010), an Electricity Supply Advisory Committee was established and has been maintained;
WHEREAS, under the Pennsylvania Public Utilities Commission's rules, natural gas customers also have the ability to access the competitive market for natural gas supply;
WHEREAS, it is in the interest of all PGW ratepayers for large-account customers like the City to purchase in the competitive market;
WHEREAS, the price of motor fuels may be volatile and the advance purchase of some of the City's motor fuel requirements can support budget stability;
WHEREAS, Council has authorized the City to enter into agreements through Fiscal Year 2023 and Fiscal Year 2024 to purchase electricity, natural gas and motor fuel for use by the City in City facilities and vehicles through Fiscal Year 2024 (Bill No. 200654, approved January 20, 2021); and
WHEREAS, electricity, natural gas and motor fuel prices are at favorable levels for entering into purchase obligations now for fixed prices for delivery ("Fixed Rate Purchases") in Fiscal Year 2025; NOW, THEREFORE,
SECTION 1. The Procurement Commissioner, on behalf of the City, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement or a...
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