Celebrating the expansion of solar energy offerings through Philadelphia Energy Authority's Solarize Philly Program.
WHEREAS, The generating of energy which produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels and reduces air pollution is necessary to Philadelphia in order to provide the citizens Constitutional guarantee of a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of natural, scenic, historic, and esthetic values of the environment; and
WHEREAS, Climate change, as a result of burning fossil fuels for energy, is responsible for the denigration of public health, which disproportionately affects low-income communities, communities of color, and urban communities who most often have to deal directly with the consequences of polluting power plants and the health risks that accompany living within close proximity to these non-renewable energy sources; and
WHEREAS, Philadelphia is one of the most energy-burdened cities in the United States, meaning that on average, residents pay a higher percentage of their income for utilities; and
WHEREAS, Rooftop solar energy is a cost-effective alternative for electricity generation that improves public health, and creates local jobs and long-lasting energy affordability; and
WHEREAS, Energy insecurity means forgoing food or medicine to pay for utilities, setting the home to an unsafe or unhealthy temperature, or being at risk of utility shutoff; and
WHEREAS, Low and moderate-income households and people of color disproportionately deal with energy insecurity and often lack access to affordable energy provided by rooftop solar; and
WHEREAS, In 2017, the Philadelphia Energy Authority launched Solarize Philly, a group discount program to support homeowners and business owners to install solar together at a reduced price with additional consumer protections; and
WHEREAS, Rooftop solar helps Philadelphians power their homes with clean energy while lowering utility bills for homeowners, creating loc...
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