Amending Resolution No. 200001-A, which provides Rules for the Government of the Council of the City of Philadelphia, by providing for rules regarding recusal from any legislation due to conflicts of interest.
That Resolution No. 200001-A, which provides Rules for the Government of the Council of the City of Philadelphia, be amended as follows:
Bold italics indicates matter added by these amendments.
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XIX. Conflict of Interest; Public Disclosure and Disqualification
1. As consistent with the requirements provided in The Philadelphia Code, ? 20-607:
a. No member of Council shall be financially interested in any legislation including ordinances and resolution, award, contract, lease, case, claim, decision, decree, or judgment made by them in their official capacity, or by any board or body of which they are a member nor shall any financial interest be held by any person, firm, partnership, corporation, business association trustee or straw party for their benefit, nor shall a member of Council be a purchaser at any sale or vendor at any purchase made by them in their official capacity.
This latter prohibition shall apply so as to prevent any person, firm,partnership, corporation, business association, trustee or straw party from being such purchaser or vendor for or on behalf of the member of City Council.
b. In the event that a financial interest in any legislation (including ordinances and resolutions) award, contract, lease, case, claim, decision, decree or judgment, resides in a member of a partnership, firm, corporation or other business organization or professional association organized for profit of which said member of City Council is a member and where said member of City Council has knowledge of the existence of such financial interest they shall comply with the provisions of Paragraph XIX(2)(a)(i), (a)(ii) and (a)(iii) herein and shall th...
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