Continuing the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise Neighborhood Improvement District beyond its termination date in the area bounded generally by the north side of Allegheny Avenue, the west side of Memphis Street between Allegheny Avenue and East Westmoreland Street, the south side of East Westmoreland Street, the property line of 3300 Agate Street and the back of properties facing west along the east side of Tulip Street between Westmoreland and Ontario Streets, the south side of Ontario Street, the west side of Tulip Street between Ontario and Tioga Streets, the north side of Tioga Street, the back of properties facing west on the east side of Tulip Street between Tioga and Venango Streets, the back of properties facing south along the north side of Venango Street, including the property located at 2301-07 East Venango Street, and the back of properties facing east along the west side of Amber Street, as well as the properties located at 2066-80 East Tioga and 2082 East Tioga Streets; continuing the Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise Inc., a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association for the District; approving a final plan for the District, including a list of proposed improvements and their estimated cost, and providing for assessment fees to be levied on property owners within the District; authorizing the Director of Commerce, on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement with Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise, Inc. relating to the District; and authorizing Port Richmond Industrial Development Enterprise, Inc. to assess certain property owners within the District a special property assessment fee to be used in accordance with the approved final plan; all in accordance with the provisions of the Community and Economic Improvement Act, and under certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, Bill No. 020166-A (approved January 23, 2003) established the Port...
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