Authorizing the Philadelphia Gas Works, by Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation, solely in its capacity as operator and manager of the City-owned Philadelphia Gas Works, to enter into an amendment to lease with Germantown Realty Investment Group, LP for certain premises located at 212-214 W. Chelten Avenue, all under certain terms and conditions.
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Gas Works ("PGW") by Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation ("PFMC") desires to enter into an amendment to lease agreement whereby PGW by PFMC (solely in its capacity as operator and manager of the City-owned Philadelphia Gas Works, under and pursuant to an agreement with the City of Philadelphia dated December 29, 1972, as amended) will rent from Germantown Realty Investment Group, LP, certain premises located at 212-214 W. Chelten Avenue for a four (4) year term;
WHEREAS, Section VIII(3) of the Agreement dated December 29, 1972, as amended, between the City of Philadelphia and Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation provides in part that leases of real estate by or for the Philadelphia Gas Works shall be submitted to the Philadelphia Gas Commission for its approval and shall be submitted to City Council for its approval by ordinance; and
WHEREAS, The Philadelphia Gas Commission at a public meeting duly held on February 8, 2022, approved the proposed lease transaction between Philadelphia Gas Works by Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation and Germantown Realty Investment Group, LP, under certain terms and conditions and favorably recommended approval of the transaction to City Council; now, therefore,
SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section VIII(3) of the Agreement dated December 29, 1972, as amended, between the City of Philadelphia and the Philadelphia Facilities Management Corporation, the Philadelphia City Council does hereby approve the Philadelphia Gas Works ("PGW"), by Philadelphia Faciliti...
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