Authorizing the Chief Information Officer for the City of Philadelphia, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia, to enter into a professional services agreement for up to sixty (60) months in order to obtain hosting and managed services for the OnePhilly HR, Benefits, Payroll, Time and Attendance system, all under certain terms and conditions.
SECTION 1. The Chief Information Officer for the City of Philadelphia, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia and through its Office of Innovation & Technology, is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with a provider (the "Agreement") to obtain hosting and managed services, and other related deliverables, for the OnePhilly HR, Benefits, Payroll, Time and Attendance system (collectively referred to as "Services & Deliverables").
SECTION 2. The Agreement authorized by this Ordinance shall substantially incorporate the provisions set forth in "Exhibit A" to this Ordinance.
SECTION 3. The City Solicitor is hereby authorized to review and to approve, prior to execution, all instruments and documents necessary to effectuate this Ordinance, which instruments and documents shall contain such terms and conditions as the City Solicitor shall deem necessary and proper to protect the interests of the City.
Provider Agreement Term Sheet
1. Parties. The City of Philadelphia acting through its Office of Innovation & Technology (the "City") and a provider of Services & Deliverables ("Provider").
2. Term. The Term of the Agreement, upon City Council authorization, may be up to sixty (60) months, with the option for two additional one-year renewal terms, commencing on or about April of 2023. The exact length of the Term will be determined prior to signing the Agreement. The City, in accordance with Section 8-200(3) of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, shall have the right to terminate the Agreement, at the City's sole option, at any time af...
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