Supporting the Coordinating Entity of the United States Semi quincentennial in Philadelphia (PHILADELPHIA250).
WHEREAS, PHILADELPHIA250 was founded in 2011 to plan, encourage, develop and coordinate the commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of the United States and Philadelphia’s integral role in that event and the role of its people on the nation’s past, present and future; and
WHEREAS, PHILADELPHIA250 is working to engage ALL Philadelphians in all City Council Districts, and the City at-large through its many signature and partner programs, projects and events over the next four years by leading a citywide, grassroots civic commemoration that invites all Philadelphians to share diverse stories, declare civic actions, and leave lasting legacies that make Philadelphia a more equitable and resilient City for future generations; and
WHEREAS, City Council endorses PHILADELPHIA250’s four values for 2026: now, therefore, be it
1. To strive for Shared Prosperity in our neighborhoods,
2. To celebrate our city’s history of and on-going Revolutionary Actions,
3. To showcase our diverse People’s Histories, and
4. To offer a Pursuit of Happiness for all in 2026.
RESOLVED, by the COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADLEPHIA, That we hereby recognize PHILADELPHIA250 as the coordinating entity for the City of Philadelphia to work with local, state, and federal partners within Philadelphia City and County.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Mayor of Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA250, the Philadelphia County Representative of AMERICA250PA, and AMERICA250PA Commission.