Honoring the life and legacy Philadelphia's own Rakim Hasheem Allen, known worldwide by the stage name PnB Rock, on the occasion of his untimely passing.
WHEREAS, Beloved entertainer PnB Rock, born Rakim Hasheem Allen, proudly represented his Germantown origins by including the initials of Pastorius and Baynton Streets in his stage name; and
WHEREAS, PnB Rock's childhood was marked by adversity. Growing up with a single mother and four siblings, he experienced deep poverty and intermittent homelessness. At age 15, he lost his uncle, a father figure, to murder. Following that loss, he turned to a life in the streets, which culminated four years later in a prison sentence of 33 months; and
WHEREAS, During his incarceration, he began writing songs inspired by his own life story. After returning home, he gained recognition for his music via two mixtapes and widely viewed posts on Instagram. His anti-violence anthem, "My City Needs Something," aired on MTV, poignantly proclaiming, "I'm tired of yellow tape / So tired of teddy bears / I'm sick of kids growing up without their moms and dads"; and
WHEREAS, PnB Rock achieved broader fame in 2016 with his major-label debut, GTTM: Goin Thru the Motions, on Atlantic Records. It featured the Billboard hit "Selfish": and
WHEREAS, In order to pursue his career, PnB Rock moved first to New York and then to Los Angeles. Tragically, it was in his adopted home of Los Angeles that he was fatally shot during the course of a daytime robbery, as he ate lunch with his girlfriend; and
WHEREAS, He was mourned publicly by a broad range of notable public figures, from Meek Mill and Questlove to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and members of this Body; and
WHEREAS, PnB Rock's path of perseverance and redemption, along with his artistry, are an example for youth in Philadelphia and beyond. As such, it is fitting that he be remembered in the wake of his tragic death; now, therefore, be it
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