Unequivocally condemning the rise in antisemitism and all forms of hate in the City of Philadelphia, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the United States of America, and across the globe.
WHEREAS, In 2021 the Anti-Defamation League reported 2,717 incidents of harassment, vandalism, or violence targeting Jewish people; and
WHEREAS, This is the highest level of incidents since the Anti-Defamation League first began keeping records; and
WHEREAS, According to Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, there has not been any meaningful decrease in incidents in 2022; and
WHEREAS, Many have forgotten or never been taught “never again”; and
WHEREAS, Some do not know the atrocities that happen when we turn a blind eye to hatred; and
WHEREAS, Over the twelve years between when Adolf Hitler was democratically elected and when Nazi Germany surrendered, over six million Eastern European Jewish people were murdered in the Holocaust; and
WHEREAS, The rise of this genocidal autocrat and the extermination of over six million Jews in the Holocaust did not happen overnight; and
WHEREAS, His message of hate was used to vilify marginalized communities; and
WHEREAS, It began with boycotting shops and banning books; and
WHEREAS, Ideas like this are increasingly visible today; and
WHEREAS, We must stand together as the defenders against antisemitism, against racism, against homophobia, against hate; and
WHEREAS, All true members of the United States know that our differences are what unites us; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Philadelphia, Believes that an attack on one faith is an attack on all faiths, condemns all forms of hate, and calls upon the people of the City of Philadelphia to support this initiative and condemn antisemitism and hate.