Authorizing the revision of lines and grades on a portion of City Plan Nos. 24-S, 25-S and 32-S by relocating the existing curblines and houselines along the western side of Vare Avenue from Maiden Lane to 28th Street, along the southern side of Maiden Lane from 34th Street to Vare Avenue, and at the intersection of Vare Avenue and Maiden Lane to accommodate the widening of certain streets and various intersection improvements, all under certain terms and conditions, including the dedication to the City of the beds of all widened portions of the aforementioned streets.
SECTION 1. Pursuant to Section 11-404 of The Philadelphia Code, the Board of Surveyors of the Department of Streets is hereby authorized to:
a) Revise the lines and grades on a portion of City Plan Nos. 24-S and 32-S by relocating the existing curblines and houselines along the western side of Vare Avenue from its intersection with Maiden Lane to its intersection with 28th Street to accommodate roadway and intersection improvements;
b) Revise the lines and grades on a portion of City Plan Nos. 24-S and 25-S by relocating the existing curblines and houselines along southern side of Maiden Lane from its intersection with 34th Street to its intersection with Vare Avenue to accommodate roadway and intersection improvements;
c) Revise the lines and grades on a portion of City Plan No. 24-S by relocating the existing curblines and houselines at the intersection of Maiden Lane and Vare Avenue to accommodate roadway and intersection improvements;
SECTION 2. This authorization is conditional upon compliance with the following requirements within ten (10) years from the date this Ordinance becomes law:
a) The filing of an agreement, satisfactory to the City Solicitor, by the owner(s) of property affected thereby, to release the ...
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