Honoring and recognizing Chris DeShields, a SEPTA bus operator, for his heroism and the bravery he exhibited while stopping a carjacking and protecting his fellow citizens.
WHEREAS, Chris DeShields is a loyal employee of SEPTA, Philadelphia's public transit system. He has operated the Route 5 bus for 17 years, and his father drove for SEPTA for 40 years; and
WHEREAS, On January 25, 2023, Chris DeShields interrupted a carjacking, saving a woman in the process; and
WHEREAS, DeShields was driving the Route 5 bus, north on Frankford Avenue at about 10:40 p.m., carrying five passengers. He saw three men surrounding a young woman they’d forced out of a car, and take her keys; and
WHEREAS, In a flash, DeShields angled the bus across West Thompson Street, leaned on the horn, flashed the blinkers and shouted out the windows, scaring the would-be carjackers who ran away; and
WHEREAS, With the danger over, DeShields stepped down from the bus to flag people in a bar to help the woman until police arrived. He then got back into the bus and continued his route to get his passenger’s home; and
WHEREAS, For his brave efforts, DeShields received special honors from SEPTA and is being honored on a national level, as a guest of Congressman Brendan Boyle for President Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, February 7, 2023; and
WHEREAS, This heroic and selfless act by Chris DeShields, is a true example of a City of Philadelphia resident who went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the well-being and safety of another individual; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, That it hereby honors and recognizes Chris DeShields, a SEPTA bus operator, for his heroism and the bravery he exhibited while stopping a carjacking and protecting his fellow citizens.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That an Engrossed copy of the resolution be presented to Chris DeShields as evidence of the gratitude of this legislative body.