| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Philadelphia City Council Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development and the Homeless to conduct public hearings to explore the crisis of expiring affordable housing subsidies and the impact of those expirations on the availability of affordable housing units in the City of Philadelphia. | HEARING NOTICES SENT | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Philadelphia City Council Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development and the Homeless to conduct public hearings to explore the crisis of expiring affordable housing subsidies and the impact of those expirations on the availability of affordable housing units in the City of Philadelphia. | HEARING HELD | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | | | Resolution | Authorizing the Philadelphia City Council Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development and the Homeless to conduct public hearings to explore the crisis of expiring affordable housing subsidies and the impact of those expirations on the availability of affordable housing units in the City of Philadelphia. | RECESSED | | |
Action details
Not available