Meeting Name: CITY COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/5/2024 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 400, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
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240729 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on June 14, 2024, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on June 06, 2024: Bill No. 240059 Bill No. 240330READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240730 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you\ that on June 14, 2024, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on June 13, 2024: Bill No. 240179 Bill No. 240180 Bill No. 240181 Bill No. 240182 Bill No. 240376 Bill No. 240377 Bill No. 240426 Bill No. 240466 Bill No. 240492 Bill No. 240494READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240731 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on June 18, 2024, I signed the following bill, which were passed by Council at its session on June 13, 2024: Bill No. 240018 Bill No. 240434READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240732 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on June 18, 2024, I signed the following bill, which were passed by Council at its session on June 06, 2024: Bill No. 240472READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240733 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on June 26, 2024, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on June 13, 2024: Bill No. 240371 Bill No. 240372 Bill No. 240373 Bill No. 240374 Bill No. 240375 Bill No. 240378 Bill No. 240380 Bill No. 240417 Bill No. 240429 Bill No. 240433 Bill No. 240467 Bill No. 240470 Bill No. 240475READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240734 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on June 26, 2024, I signed the following bill, which was passed by Council at its session on June 06, 2024: Bill No. 240370READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240735 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on July 19, 2024, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on June 13, 2024: Bill No. 240382 Bill No. 240415 Bill No. 240473 Bill No. 240496 Bill No. 240497READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240736 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on August 12, 2024, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on June 13, 2024: Bill No. 240414 Bill No. 240468 Bill No. 240474 Bill No. 240476 Bill No. 240498READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240737 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Chapter 9-6300 (“Consumer Protection Ordinance”) of The Philadelphia Code to clarify the statute of limitations and provide for retroactivity, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240738 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Section 14-303 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Common Procedures and Requirements,” to clarify provisions related to public hearings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and make technical changes, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240739 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Chapter 9-1000 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Trades,” by adding requirements and establishing certain limits related to electrical contractors, all under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240740 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting an Ordinance amending Chapter 19-3200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Keystone Opportunity Zone, Economic Development District, and Strategic Development Area,” to provide for additional extensions of certain benefits, under certain terms and conditions.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240741 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on September 04, 2024, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on June 06, 2024: Bill No. 240060 Bill No. 240280READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240742 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that on September 04, 2024, I signed the following bills, which were passed by Council at its session on June 13, 2024: Bill No. 240157 Bill No. 240305 Bill No. 240332 Bill No. 240384 Bill No. 240385 Bill No. 240418 Bill No. 240419 Bill No. 240420 Bill No. 240421 Bill No. 240424 Bill No. 240469 Bill No. 240493 Bill No. 240495 Bill No. 240500READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240743 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that I am hereby returning unsigned Bill Number 240058, introduced by Councilmember Jamie Gauthier, and passed by City Council on June 13, 2024. The Philadelphia City Planning Commission considered Bill Number 240058 at its public meeting on March 21, 2024, and they recommended the bill not be approved. For this reason, I am returning Bill Number 240058 unsigned.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240744 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that I am hereby returning unsigned Bill Number 240061, introduced by Councilmember Jamie Gauthier, and passed by City Council on June 06, 2024. Bill Number 240061 would provide for submission to the qualified electors of the City of Philadelphia of an amendment to the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter. This amendment would increase the minimum amount that must be appropriated for spending on Housing Trust Fund (HTF) purposes in the City’s operating budget each year. Specifically, it would require that an amount equal to total receipts by the City in the preceding calendar year of payments made in lieu of providing affordable housing for any purpose under the Zoning Code be appropriated to the HTF. This amount would be in addition to the current requirement for a mandatory annual appropriation for the HTF in the amount of at least one-half of one percent (0.5%) of the City’s total General Fund appropriations, as required by another Charter change enacted in 2021. As the Administration testified at the hearing on this bill, the administration opposREAD AND FILED   Action details Not available
240745 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that I am hereby returning unsigned Bill Number 240336, introduced by Councilmember Cindy Bass, and passed by City Council on June 13, 2024. The Philadelphia City Planning Commission considered Bill Number 240336 at its public meeting on June 06, 2024, and they recommended the bill not be approved. For these reasons, I am returning Bill Number 240336 unsigned.READ AND FILED   Action details Not available
240746 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that I am hereby returning unsigned Bill Number 240428, introduced by Councilmember Jeffery Young, and passed by City Council on June 13, 2024. Bill Number 240428 is intended to prohibit the Commissioner of Public Property, or any other official of the City of Philadelphia acting on behalf of the City, from entering into, executing, or authorizing a lease extension, lease amendment, lease renewal, or new agreement by and between the City and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for or on behalf of any Commonwealth Department or Agency, at the property located at 2100 W. Girard Avenue. This administration is committed to making Philadelphia safer, cleaner, and greener, with economic opportunity for all. Bill Number 240428 does not align with that vision nor the administration’s commitment to providing long-term care, treatment, and housing to our most vulnerable residents who are struggling with homelessness and addiction. Further, we must ensure that the administration and City Council, presently and in the future, have every available resourceREAD AND FILED   Action details Not available
240747 0  COMMUNICATIONTransmitting a message advising you that I am hereby returning Bill Number 240379 unsigned, introduced by Councilmember Katherine Gilmore-Richardson, and passed by City Council on June 13, 2024. Bill Number 240379 would remove the nonprofit vendor exemption codified in Section 17-1400 of the Philadelphia Code. The nonprofit vendor exemption allows select City departments to swiftly secure and provide health, public safety, and social services during crises, natural disasters, public health emergencies, unforeseen infrastructure failures, and other emergent or time-sensitive situations. The nonprofit vendor exemption has been crucial during health emergencies such as the COVID-19 pandemic, during mpox (formerly known as Monkeypox) outbreaks in certain communities, and when we have had a measles exposure at the PHL Airport. The exemption has also been needed in time-sensitive efforts to provide legal support to Philadelphians wrongfully denied benefits, when a child in our DHS system has required immediate hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital, and when we quickly put Zero FareREAD AND FILED   Action details Not available
240654 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a sidewalk café in the vicinity of 1320 Cottman Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19111, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240655 0  BillAmending Chapter 19-3200 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Keystone Opportunity Zone, Economic Development District, and Strategic Development Area,” to provide for additional extensions of certain benefits, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240656 0  BillAmending Section 14-303 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Common Procedures and Requirements,” to clarify provisions related to public hearings of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and make technical changes, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240657 0  BillAmending Title 12 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Traffic Code,” to prohibit stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle in a bicycle lane and to increase monetary penalties for illegally stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle in a bicycle lane, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240658 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a sidewalk café in the vicinity of 3527-31 Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240659 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a sidewalk café in the vicinity of 3200 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19104, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240660 0  BillAmending Section 19-1301.2 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Homestead Exclusion,” to revise the deadline by which applications for designation of property as homestead property are due, and making conforming changes, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240661 0  BillAmending Section 14-524 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “/FDO, Fourth District Overlay District,” to include certain areas of land within the Morris Park neighborhood, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240662 0  BillAmending Chapter 9-6300 (“Consumer Protection Ordinance”) of The Philadelphia Code to clarify the statute of limitations and provide for retroactivity, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240663 0  BillAmending Chapter 19-1300 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Real Estate Taxes,” to provide for a mechanism for informal review of individual property assessments, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240664 0  BillAmending Title 10 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Regulation of Individual Conduct and Activity,” by adding prohibitions and penalties related to litter near mobile providers of goods, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240665 0  BillAmending Title 10 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Regulation of Individual Conduct and Activity,” by adding a new chapter concerning vehicular mobile service providers, and providing for penalties, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240666 0  BillAmending Chapter 9-1000 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Trades”, by adding requirements and establishing certain limits related to electrical contractors, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240667 0  BillAmending Chapter 12-2700 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled "Permit Parking Districts," by amending the boundaries for certain permit parking districts, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240668 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a sidewalk café in the vicinity of 1601 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240669 0  BillAuthorizing encroachments in the nature of a marquee canopy in the vicinity of 2654 South Alder Street Philadelphia, PA 19148, under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240670 0  BillAmending Section 12-701 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Designation of Bicycle Lanes,” to add a bicycle lane on South 3rd street; all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240671 0  BillAmending Title 15 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Parks and Recreation,” to add new Chapter 15-800, entitled “Events Permits,” to encourage applicants for event planning permits to establish contingency measures, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240672 0  BillAmending the Philadelphia Code to add to Chapter 15-500, entitled ”Libraries,” a new section entitled “Book Sanctuaries” to ensure unrestricted access to books and information and to protect against censorship, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240673 0  BillEstablishing parking regulations, one-way regulations and the designation of a bicycle lane in the vicinity of Maplewood Avenue from Greene Street to Wayne Avenue, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240674 0  BillRescinding Bill No. 240500 and amending Title 9 of The Philadelphia Code, entitled “Regulation of Businesses, Trades and Professions”, by adding a new Chapter creating requirements related to the operation and maintenance of electric vehicle charging stations installed at certain commercial and residential parcels, all under certain terms and conditions.Introduced and Referred   Action details Not available
240675 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing The Honorable Stephen Kinsey for his exceptional service and leadership as a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 2013 to 2024. Elected to represent the 201st Legislative District, Stephen Kinsey proudly served for six terms, demonstrating unwavering dedication to his constituents and community.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240676 0  ResolutionRecognizing September 2024 as “Prostate Cancer Awareness Month” to raise awareness about the importance of screening for and treatment of prostate cancer, to encourage prostate cancer research, and to encourage Philadelphians to take an active role in the fight to end prostate cancer.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240677 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing the Philadelphia Youth Network (“PYN”) as it celebrates its 25th anniversary.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240678 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Youth Action for over two decades of inspiring leadership and community service in Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240679 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Brown's Linens, Inc. For its historic contributions to the community and its commitment to excellence across four generations.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240680 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Buccann for its significant contributions to the local culinary landscape and its commitment to excellence, community engagement, and authenticity in modern Dominican cuisine.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240681 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Bally’s Pizzeria for its significant contribution to the culinary landscape and its unwavering dedication to quality, community, and authenticity.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240682 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Bruce R. Hawkins Funeral Home for its remarkable contributions to the community and its commitment to excellence over the past 40 years.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240683 0  ResolutionHonoring And Recognizing Cathryn’s Cake Salon For Its Dedication To Exceptional Service, Community Engagement, And Its Contribution To The Local Economy.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240684 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Eatible Delights Catering and its founder, David Simms, for their extraordinary contributions to the culinary arts and their unwavering commitment to community service.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240685 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Island Fritay for its outstanding contributions to the local culinary scene and its commitment to excellence, community engagement, and authenticity in Haitian Caribbean cuisine.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240686 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Paul Beale’s flowers for its remarkable 50-year history and its enduring impact on the community.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240687 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Ron's Caribbean Cuisine for its significant contribution to the culinary landscape and its unwavering dedication to quality, community, and authenticity.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240688 0  ResolutionHonoring and celebrating Dermatology, Laser, and Aesthetic Surgery, and its owner, Dr. Louis A. Brown, Jr., for their extraordinary contributions to the Rising Sun Avenue Business Corridor and the broader Philadelphia community.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240689 0  ResolutionRecognizing the recent partnership between PhilaPort and Norwegian Cruise Line and celebrating the return of cruising in the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240690 0  ResolutionRecognizing, honoring and celebrating Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated on the Occasion of Zeta Day at City Hall.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240691 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 3914, 3917, 3927, 3935, 3936, 3937, 3938, 3940, 3946, and 3948 Folsom St located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240692 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 3837, 3917, 3938, 3940, 3944 Mt Vernon St; 612 Union St; and 3607, 3830, and 3832 Melon St located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240693 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 839 N 39th St; 3517 Mount Vernon St; 524 N 35th St; 3605 Melon St; 3833 and 3915 Brown St; 735 N DeKalb St; and 740 and 765 N 38th St located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240694 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 3731 and 3940 Aspen St; 3936 and 3959 Brown St; 3958 Parrish St; 3900 and 3972 Reno St; and 773 Sloan St located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240695 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 3539 Aspen St; 682 N 33rd St; 3624 Brown St; 3405, 3830, and 3832 Wallace St; 610, 612, and 614 N Shedwick St; and 620 N 35th St located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240696 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 3801, 3803, 3811, 3814, 3816, 3850, 3852, 3960, 3962, and 3964 Reno St located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240697 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development, and the Homeless to hold hearings on how setting affordable housing program eligibility according to the metric of regional Area Median Income (AMI) fails to reflect the true state of housing affordability needs of Philadelphians, how this leads to City housing programs not providing enough funding to those who need it most, and how the adoption of a more locally defined AMI can be utilized to create and sustain genuinely affordable housing across the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240698 0  ResolutionHonoring and congratulating The Rex 6 Basketball Team for winning the 2024 Brotherly Love Basketball Championship.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240699 0  ResolutionHonoring and Congratulating Preparatory Charter High School Graduate Kahleah Copper on winning the Gold Medal in Women’s Basketball during the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris France.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240700 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings investigating the City’s progress towards achieving its Vision Zero goals and examining opportunities to increase safety measures for pedestrians and cyclists.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240701 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings to assess the current state of Philadelphia’s preparations for the multitude of events being held across the city throughout 2026 as we celebrate America’s 250th birthday and Philadelphia’s central role in America’s founding.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240702 0  ResolutionHonoring and congratulating Joel Embiid on his gold medal finish in the 2024 Olympic Games basketball final and for becoming the first player in Philadelphia 76ers franchise history to win a gold medal with Team USA.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240703 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the joint Committees on Public Safety and Public Health and Human Services to hold hearings to investigate the effectiveness and potential expansion of mobile mental health units administered by the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240704 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing 6abc Philadelphia news anchor and reporter Rick Williams for his contributions to the impactful “Crimefighters” series.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240705 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Drexel University alumnus Justin Best, who mastered the sport of rowing on the Schuylkill River at Boathouse Row in the 4th Councilmanic District, for his contribution in securing the gold medal as one of four on the United States Olympic Rowing Team at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, France.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240706 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Education to hold hearings investigating the rate of food waste and determining distribution options for excess food in the School District of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240707 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to investigate the ability and preparedness of critical City departments to possess a redundancy of records.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240708 0  ResolutionUrging the Board of Revision of Taxes (BRT) to adopt a policy of accepting all nunc pro tunc property assessment appeals filed for Tax Year 2025 by March 31, 2025, due to the delay in mailing of property reassessment notices until August 7, 2024.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240709 0  ResolutionRecognizing September 10, 2024 as Suicide Prevention Day in the City of Philadelphia, and affirming the need for suicide prevention awareness and robust mental health services.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240710 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Maia Weintraub for representing Philadelphia and the United States in the 2024 Summer Olympics and winning a gold medal in team fencing.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240711 0  ResolutionCalling on the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to secure $161 million in funding for SEPTA.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240712 0  ResolutionCalling on universities in the City of Philadelphia to adopt the SEPTA Key Advantage UPass Program for all of their students.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240713 0  ResolutionCalling on the City of Philadelphia to explore the funding of a pilot program for free doorbell cameras to enhance public safety in the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240714 0  ResolutionCalling on the City of Philadelphia to explore the resumption of annual Philly Free Streets days.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240715 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the joint Committees on Public Safety and Streets and Services to hold hearings to investigate Philadelphia Police Department precinct policies and practices for approving and denying block party permits, and exploring methods to increase block party permit applicationsIntroduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240716 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Council Committee on Streets and Services to hold hearings to investigate the policies, procedures, and practices regarding the changing of the direction of streets as authorized by the Philadelphia Department of Streets.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240717 0  ResolutionAuthorizing a task force to advance recommendations and coordinate initiatives to ensure that all people in Philadelphia are able to exercise their fundamental right to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240718 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Joint Committees on Public Safety and Legislative Oversight to hold hearings examining actions necessary to significantly reduce the Philadelphia prison population in an effort to permanently close Philadelphia’s oldest and most inhumane prison facility, The Detention Center.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240719 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Transportation and Public Utilities to hold hearings to investigate the economic impact of the Philadelphia Water Department’s implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure on the residents of the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240720 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Special Committee on Kensington to hold public hearings to examine the current state of transportation infrastructure and services in the City of Philadelphia in response to the opioid crisis.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240721 0  ResolutionCalling upon The Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) to use projected climate rainfall information to prioritize actions to fix raw sewage overflows and urging PWD to use real world climate related rainfall data to project the impacts of their Green City Clean Water (GCCW) plans.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240722 0  ResolutionContinuing the Fishtown Kensington Area Business Improvement District (“District”), in the area that generally includes both sides of Frankford Avenue from the west side of Delaware Avenue to the southwest side of Lehigh Avenue, both sides of North Front Street from the north side of Poplar Street to the south side of Diamond Street, both sides of East Girard Avenue from Frankford Avenue continuing to the west side of East Berks Street, the north side of West Girard Avenue from Frankford Avenue to North 2nd Street, and the south side of West Girard Avenue from Frankford Avenue to Howard Street, and certain blocks of streets that intersect portions of these streets; approving an extension of the boundaries of the District to include North Front Street from Montgomery Street to Diamond Street, East Girard Avenue from East Fletcher Street to East Berks Street, and the north side of West Girard Avenue from Front Street to North 2nd Street; continuing the Fishtown Kensington Area Business Improvement District, Inc., a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation, as the neighborhood improvement diIntroduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240723 0  ResolutionRenaming the 3700 block of Blaybon Street “Lou and Choo’s Way” to honor Louis Crump and Charles Franklin’s “Lou and Choo Lounge.”Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240724 0  ResolutionCalling upon the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to strengthen enforcement against illegal activity in merchants that impact neighborhoods throughout the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240725 0  ResolutionRenaming the Waterview Playground to the “Donna Reed Miller Playground” to honor the life and contributions of former Councilmember Donna Reed Miller.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240726 0  ResolutionRecognizing September as “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month,” and promoting the public awareness and research of childhood cancer in the City of Philadelphia.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240727 0  ResolutionRecognizing the prevalence of childhood abuse and the severe impacts it has on the children of Philadelphia, and affirming the City of Philadelphia’s commitment to examining the effectiveness of City funded programs that provide services for child welfare and safety.Introduced and Ordered Placed on This Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240728 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Philadelphia Land Bank to dispose of 3858 Mount Vernon St; 3903, 3905, 3907, and 3930 Wallace St; 642, 647, and 658 Union St; and 3841 and 3843 Melon St located in the 3rd Councilmanic District in accordance with the terms of Chapter 16-700 of The Philadelphia Code.Introduced and Ordered Placed On Next Week's Final Passage Calendar   Action details Not available
240629 0  ResolutionCalling on the Pennsylvania State Senate to enact House Bill 2370 to fairly fund schools in Philadelphia and across the Commonwealth to ensure fair allocation of resources for all students.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240368 0  BillContinuing a neighborhood improvement District, known as the East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District ("District"), in an area that generally includes both sides of East Passyunk Avenue from the south side of Federal Street to the east side of South Broad Street, certain blocks of streets that intersect that portion of East Passyunk Avenue, both sides of South Broad Street from the north side of McKean Street to the north side of Snyder Avenue, and the west side of South Broad Street from the south side of Mifflin Street to the north side of McKean Street; designating the East Passyunk Avenue Business Improvement District, Inc., which has organized itself as a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation, as the Neighborhood Improvement District Management Association for the District; approving a plan for the District, including a list of proposed improvements and their estimated cost, and providing for assessment fees to be levied on property owners within the District; authorizing the Director of Commerce, on behalf of the City, to execute an agreement with the East Passyunk AvenuREAD AND PASSEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
240675 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing The Honorable Stephen Kinsey for his exceptional service and leadership as a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives from 2013 to 2024. Elected to represent the 201st Legislative District, Stephen Kinsey proudly served for six terms, demonstrating unwavering dedication to his constituents and community.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240676 0  ResolutionRecognizing September 2024 as “Prostate Cancer Awareness Month” to raise awareness about the importance of screening for and treatment of prostate cancer, to encourage prostate cancer research, and to encourage Philadelphians to take an active role in the fight to end prostate cancer.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240677 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing the Philadelphia Youth Network (“PYN”) as it celebrates its 25th anniversary.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240678 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Youth Action for over two decades of inspiring leadership and community service in Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240679 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Brown's Linens, Inc. For its historic contributions to the community and its commitment to excellence across four generations.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240680 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Buccann for its significant contributions to the local culinary landscape and its commitment to excellence, community engagement, and authenticity in modern Dominican cuisine.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240681 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Bally’s Pizzeria for its significant contribution to the culinary landscape and its unwavering dedication to quality, community, and authenticity.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240682 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Bruce R. Hawkins Funeral Home for its remarkable contributions to the community and its commitment to excellence over the past 40 years.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240683 0  ResolutionHonoring And Recognizing Cathryn’s Cake Salon For Its Dedication To Exceptional Service, Community Engagement, And Its Contribution To The Local Economy.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240684 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Eatible Delights Catering and its founder, David Simms, for their extraordinary contributions to the culinary arts and their unwavering commitment to community service.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240685 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Island Fritay for its outstanding contributions to the local culinary scene and its commitment to excellence, community engagement, and authenticity in Haitian Caribbean cuisine.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240686 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Paul Beale’s flowers for its remarkable 50-year history and its enduring impact on the community.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240687 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Ron's Caribbean Cuisine for its significant contribution to the culinary landscape and its unwavering dedication to quality, community, and authenticity.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240688 0  ResolutionHonoring and celebrating Dermatology, Laser, and Aesthetic Surgery, and its owner, Dr. Louis A. Brown, Jr., for their extraordinary contributions to the Rising Sun Avenue Business Corridor and the broader Philadelphia community.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240689 0  ResolutionRecognizing the recent partnership between PhilaPort and Norwegian Cruise Line and celebrating the return of cruising in the City of Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240690 0  ResolutionRecognizing, honoring and celebrating Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated on the Occasion of Zeta Day at City Hall.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240697 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Housing, Neighborhood Development, and the Homeless to hold hearings on how setting affordable housing program eligibility according to the metric of regional Area Median Income (AMI) fails to reflect the true state of housing affordability needs of Philadelphians, how this leads to City housing programs not providing enough funding to those who need it most, and how the adoption of a more locally defined AMI can be utilized to create and sustain genuinely affordable housing across the City of Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240698 0  ResolutionHonoring and congratulating The Rex 6 Basketball Team for winning the 2024 Brotherly Love Basketball Championship.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240699 0  ResolutionHonoring and Congratulating Preparatory Charter High School Graduate Kahleah Copper on winning the Gold Medal in Women’s Basketball during the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris France.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240700 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings investigating the City’s progress towards achieving its Vision Zero goals and examining opportunities to increase safety measures for pedestrians and cyclists.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240701 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Legislative Oversight to hold hearings to assess the current state of Philadelphia’s preparations for the multitude of events being held across the city throughout 2026 as we celebrate America’s 250th birthday and Philadelphia’s central role in America’s founding.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240702 0  ResolutionHonoring and congratulating Joel Embiid on his gold medal finish in the 2024 Olympic Games basketball final and for becoming the first player in Philadelphia 76ers franchise history to win a gold medal with Team USA.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240703 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the joint Committees on Public Safety and Public Health and Human Services to hold hearings to investigate the effectiveness and potential expansion of mobile mental health units administered by the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual Disability Services.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240704 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing 6abc Philadelphia news anchor and reporter Rick Williams for his contributions to the impactful “Crimefighters” series.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240705 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Drexel University alumnus Justin Best, who mastered the sport of rowing on the Schuylkill River at Boathouse Row in the 4th Councilmanic District, for his contribution in securing the gold medal as one of four on the United States Olympic Rowing Team at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games in Paris, France.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240706 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Education to hold hearings investigating the rate of food waste and determining distribution options for excess food in the School District of Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240707 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Public Safety to hold hearings to investigate the ability and preparedness of critical City departments to possess a redundancy of records.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240709 0  ResolutionRecognizing September 10, 2024 as Suicide Prevention Day in the City of Philadelphia, and affirming the need for suicide prevention awareness and robust mental health services.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240710 0  ResolutionHonoring and recognizing Maia Weintraub for representing Philadelphia and the United States in the 2024 Summer Olympics and winning a gold medal in team fencing.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240715 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the joint Committees on Public Safety and Streets and Services to hold hearings to investigate Philadelphia Police Department precinct policies and practices for approving and denying block party permits, and exploring methods to increase block party permit applicationsADOPTED   Action details Not available
240716 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Council Committee on Streets and Services to hold hearings to investigate the policies, procedures, and practices regarding the changing of the direction of streets as authorized by the Philadelphia Department of Streets.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240718 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Joint Committees on Public Safety and Legislative Oversight to hold hearings examining actions necessary to significantly reduce the Philadelphia prison population in an effort to permanently close Philadelphia’s oldest and most inhumane prison facility, The Detention Center.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240719 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Committee on Transportation and Public Utilities to hold hearings to investigate the economic impact of the Philadelphia Water Department’s implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure on the residents of the City of Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240720 0  ResolutionAuthorizing the Special Committee on Kensington to hold public hearings to examine the current state of transportation infrastructure and services in the City of Philadelphia in response to the opioid crisis.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240726 0  ResolutionRecognizing September as “Childhood Cancer Awareness Month,” and promoting the public awareness and research of childhood cancer in the City of Philadelphia.ADOPTED   Action details Not available
240727 0  ResolutionRecognizing the prevalence of childhood abuse and the severe impacts it has on the children of Philadelphia, and affirming the City of Philadelphia’s commitment to examining the effectiveness of City funded programs that provide services for child welfare and safety.ADOPTED   Action details Not available